Beacon complements its expertise in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems by providing groundwater and surface water quality impact assessment and monitoring services for sites throughout Ontario.
Beacon’s staff have: provided technical expertise for integrated resource management plans to guide development and protect natural features, undertaken Assimilative Capacity Studies, conducted groundwater and residential well monitoring, completed water quality impact assessments for lakes throughout the Muskokas and Parry Sound District, used Lake Capacity Modelling (LCM 3.0) to assess the feasibility of developing waterfront properties for lakes in central Ontario, and both developed and implemented long-term water quality monitoring programs for wetlands, lakes and watercourses across the province .
- Water quality monitoring programs for lakes and watercourses
- Groundwater and surface Water Quality Impact Assessment
- Residential and commercial septic systems inputs analysis
- Wastewater treatment plant inputs analysis
- Lake Capacity Modelling
- Limnological studies