Beacon’s staff have conducted numerous studies on endangered and threatened plant and animal species, including habitat assessment and management plans, status updates and recovery planning. Species regularly addressed include: Redside Dace, Butternut, Bobolink, Barn Swallow, Bank Swallow, Eastern Meadowlark, Whip-poor-will, Jefferson Salamander and endangered bats. Beacon staff have also been involved in habitat assessments and management planning for: Silver Shiner, Eastern Pondmussel, Spotted Wintergreen, Blanding’s Turtle, Eastern Hognose Snake and Algonquin Wolf, among others.
As part of this work, Beacon communicates with local agencies regarding the implementation of provincial and federal regulations and routinely works with the regulatory agencies to negotiate overall benefit requirements, permit conditions and mitigative solutions.
Beacon’s staff also undertake formal and informal training sessions (e.g., butternut health assessment training, bat acoustic monitoring workshops, species at risk workshops) to maintain a good understanding of the most current practices for implementing both the provincial Endangered Species Act and the federal Species at Risk Act.
- Species at risk surveys, habitat assessments and compensation strategies
- Endangered Species Act registry and permits
- Rare species assessments and management plans
- Recovery plans
- Species status updates