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Habitat Management And Ecological Monitoring
Habitat Management And Ecological Monitoring
Habitat Management And Ecological Monitoring
Habitat Management And Ecological Monitoring
Habitat Management And Ecological Monitoring
Habitat Management And Ecological Monitoring
Habitat Management And Ecological Monitoring


Beacon’s approach to habitat management and ecological monitoring is rooted in a sound understanding of the natural environment and the sustaining groundwater and surface water systems. Beacon’s approach recognizes the challenges of managing natural areas in urban and urbanizing settings. This understanding allows us to evaluate existing conditions, identify key natural heritage issues and challenges, and develop management recommendations that are appropriate for the local biophysical and land use context.

The value of targeted ecological monitoring is increasingly recognized by planning authorities and agencies as a tool to gauge whether changes in land uses are having a negative effect on the protected natural heritage systems and their functions.

Beacon regularly develops monitoring programs as part of the planning process and also implements groundwater, surface water quality, fluvial, terrestrial and aquatic monitoring in support of multi-year environmental monitoring programs within and adjacent to natural areas.


  • Surface water quality monitoring
  • Management and monitoring for woodlands, wetlands and meadows
  • Management and monitoring for specialized habitats
  • Long-term ecological monitoring for terrestrial and aquatic habitats
  • Monitoring species at risk mitigation and compensation
  • Invasive species management plans
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